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Global Rail Services Ltd is part of the Global Infrastructure Group and is a leading Irish provider of design, construct and commission services for clients across a wide range of engineering and infrastructure sectors

News Stories

20 Dec 2015

An award of Distinction for Global Rail Services at All Ireland Safety Awards

By promoting a safety culture through a series of events such as the All Ireland Safety Awards, the National Irish Safety Organisation (NISO) are able to credit those organisations who make a positive impact on the lives of their workers and the stakeholders they engage with.

Set-up to create conditions where Irish workplaces are among the safest and healthiest in Europe, the National Irish Safety Organisation Limited (NISO), provides:

  • Leading information, advisory and training services.
  • The promotion of a culture of excellence in workplace health & safety.
  • A leading role in advancing the national health & safety agenda.
  • Helping members develop a culture of health and safety in their workplace

With health and well-being central to their approach, Global Rail Services were commended for their continuous improvement in occupational health and safety management. This performance is achieved through the implementation and maintenance of an occupational health and safety management system which meets and is fully accredited to the requirements of OHSAS 18001:2007.

Global Infastructure Group
Global Rail Services
Unit 516a Grants Rise
Greenogue Business Park
Rathcoole, Co Dublin
D24 FH56
+353 (0) 1 458 8540
Registered in Ireland 347033
PSA Licence Number 07192
ISO 14001iso45001