Global Rail Services Ltd is part of the Global Infrastructure Group and is a leading Irish provider of design, construct and commission services for clients across a wide range of engineering and infrastructure sectors
The M&E Division of Global Rail Services Ltd (GRSL) has been awarded a contract with Irish Rail, to replace the existing life expired Mechanical and Electrical systems in Heuston Valeting Plant (HVP).
HVP is a currently unused facility within the confines of Heuston Station, Dublin. However, the site and its surrounding areas are busy at all times, especially in peak hours from 07.00 to 10.00 and from 16.00 to 19.00. GRSL has put forward a 24 hour – 7 day a week contract programme of works, which takes cognisance of this, particularly in relation to the delivery and movement of materials and the licenced disposal of waste. Normal access to HVP is via a subway.
GRSL has also been appointed to the role of Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS) for the project, complying with the Safety, Health & Welfare At Work Act, and all legislation appropriate to the work in question including the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction Regulations) 2006 and any subsequent amendments.
The project scope of works includes:
1. Surveying the building, to confirm the dimensions of area/rooms, confirm the proposed routes and issue design proposals;
2. The safe removal and disposal of any residual Mechanical and Electrical systems and hazardous substances;
3. The design and installation of new high efficiency modulating boilers, connectivity to a new oil storage tank and the provision of new pumps, valves etc;
4. The fabrication and installation of new connective pipes, air ducts, cable containment and cabling;
5. The fabrication and installation of Form 4 type 2 electrical switch panels, BMS control equipment and panels, cable containment and cabling;
6. All Electrical services, BMS heating controls, Fire Detection and remote fault monitoring;
7. All builders’ works in conjunction with coring walls, installing fire sheathing, fire doors and with the clearing of waste and discarded materials
Mechanical and Electrical services provided by Global Rail Services are constantly upgraded through training and development and are consistently delivered to the highest specification. Design and project management of these specialist services are deployed on a wide range of rail, utilities and energy projects including: