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Global Rail Services Ltd is part of the Global Infrastructure Group and is a leading Irish provider of design, construct and commission services for clients across a wide range of engineering and infrastructure sectors

News Stories

21 Mar 2017

Progressive Credit Union Building Works Completed

Global Rail Services is pleased to confirm that the building works at the Progressive Credit Union Building in Dublin has been successfully concluded.

The refurbishment project involved constructing a new entrance to the front of the building together with enhancements for fire safety and disabled access to the external areas.

Internally, further works were required to enhance the building for fire safety and disabled access together with improving the work environment and the long-term maintenance requirements of the building.

The project required Global Rail Services to complete all works within a fully operational office environment. This required careful segregation of the works, a detailed schedule of planned activities and close liaison with the many stakeholders that use or come into contact with the building.

Global Rail Services is a leading Irish multi-disciplinary contractor that offers a one-stop building and refurbishment solution, using a combination of their in-house Project Management, Building and M&E workforce.
Works were completed and handed over to a delighted client in March 2017.

Global Infastructure Group
Global Rail Services
Unit 516a Grants Rise
Greenogue Business Park
Rathcoole, Co Dublin
D24 FH56
+353 (0) 1 458 8540
Registered in Ireland 347033
PSA Licence Number 07192
ISO 14001iso45001