Civil, Structural Engineering and BuildingMechanical, Electrical and Powersignalling projectsPermanent WayFaçade SolutionsLabour Supply

Who we are

Global Rail Construction Ltd is a Principal Contractor and a leading UK provider of design and build services to clients in the rail and transportation sector.

Safety at work

The health and safety of our employees and others who may be affected by our activities has always been of paramount importance to Global Rail Construction.

At all times, the company is committed to complying with legislation to ensure the highest standards of safety are achieved and maintained.

Health and well-being is central to our approach. The continuous improvement in occupational health and safety management and performance is achieved through the implementation and maintenance of an occupational health and safety management system (SMS), which meets the requirements of ISO 45001.

Global Rail Construction’s safety management ethos is based on risk assessment and control throughout our operations. We constantly endeavour to provide a safe place of work, with safe and maintained plant, equipment and systems of work.

This approach is enhanced through the provision of appropriate information, instruction and training on and off site, ensuring safe use of materials and substances and by diligently working to prevent accidents.

Download our Health and Safety Policy
Download our Drug and Alcohol Policy
Download our Fatigue Management (Working Hours) Policy
Download our Mental Health When Working From Home Document

Global Infastructure Group
Global Rail Construction
Units 18 & 20
The io Centre
Hearle Way
Hertfordshire, AL10 9EW
+44 (0) 870 990 4074
Registered in England 04272798
ISO 9001ISO 14001ISO45001ROSPAssipNICEICCyber Essentials