Civil, Structural Engineering and BuildingMechanical, Electrical and Powersignalling projectsPermanent WayFaçade SolutionsLabour Supply

Who we are

Global Rail Construction Ltd is a Principal Contractor and a leading UK provider of design and build services to clients in the rail and transportation sector.

Façade Solutions


Global Rail Construction provide façade solutions and offers full design and construction of bespoke Vitreous Enamel cladding systems which combine efficiencies and cost benefits through economies of scale and greater production, all based upon a huge range of products and services.

The company has over twenty years’ experience in the Façade Engineering sector and has an ability to offer a fully managed turnkey solution.

Our experienced Vitreous Enamel and cladding team provide a personalised service; work with our clients every step of the way and has delivered many high profile projects for both the new build and refurbishment sectors.

Global Infastructure Group
Global Rail Construction
Units 18 & 20
The io Centre
Hearle Way
Hertfordshire, AL10 9EW
+44 (0) 870 990 4074
Registered in England 04272798
ISO 9001ISO 14001ISO45001ROSPAssipNICEICCyber Essentials