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Global Rail Construction Ltd is a Principal Contractor and a leading UK provider of design and build services to clients in the rail and transportation sector.

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Sunningdale level crossing circles
30 Jun 2021

Sunningdale Level Crossing Renewal Contract Award

Global Rail Construction Limited (GRCL) has been awarded a multi-disciplinary contract on behalf of Atkins for the civil and S&T installation works for a new level crossing at Sunningdale, which falls within Feltham Resignalling Phase 2.

The overall Feltham Resignalling Project covers the renewal of all signalling assets. Its area is covered by seven scheme plans, with delivery broken down into six separate Phases that align approximately to the Signalling Scheme Plan boundaries, Feltham ASC Signallers panels and Wokingham Signal Box.

Within the early advanced scope of Phase 2 is Sunningdale MCB-CCTV, which is subject to a full level crossing renewal and is due to be completed in early November 2021. The scope encompasses life extension works with addition of barrier repositioning and narrowing of carriageway.

GRCL’s awarded summary of works for this level crossing renewal includes the full civil engineering scope and trackside signalling equipment installation works, which will be delivered in-house and covers the following:

  • Barrier and Red Man Standing Signal Bases and associated route/cable entries
  • Marshalling Box bases and associated route/cable entries
  • Earth Mat installation
  • Turning Chamber
  • Highway Works – Carriageway, Footway & Footpath Works
  • RTL bases with NAL sockets and associated route/cable entries
  • Installation of route/cable entries
  • Existing Barrier Base modifications
  • Lighting Control Unit Bases
  • Hardstanding Areas
  • Removal of existing fencing/gates
  • Installation of new fencing/gates
  • Sign Bases

GRCL will deliver and constructed these works, where possible, in fenced or Site Warden protected areas. However, there will be requirements for certain areas to be constructed during possessions/line blocks.

This level crossing renewal involves several stakeholders including Atkins, Network Rail, and other contracted parties. GRCL will look to work collaboratively with all concerned and use all reasonable endeavours to coordinate and make necessary allowance for working alongside others to deliver this level crossing renewal in accordance with the overall project programme.

Global Infastructure Group
Global Rail Construction
Units 18 & 20
The io Centre
Hearle Way
Hertfordshire, AL10 9EW
+44 (0) 870 990 4074
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