Civil, Structural Engineering and BuildingMechanical, Electrical and Powersignalling projectsPermanent WayFaçade SolutionsLabour Supply

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Global Rail Construction Ltd is a Principal Contractor and a leading UK provider of design and build services to clients in the rail and transportation sector.


Gibbets Lane circles

Gibbets Lane – Plain Line Track Refurbishment Works

CLIENT: Network Rail
DATE: Feb 2020
LOCATION: Gibbets Lane, Frimley Line

Network Rail (NR) Principal Contractor, Global Rail Construction Limited (GRCL), were contracted by NR Wessex Works Delivery Track for a £200k Plain Line Refurbishment of Gibbets Lane on the Frimley Line.

Global Rail Construction engaged with supply chain partner, KGJ Price, in order to support Network Rail to deliver this track package of works on the Wessex Route. 

During CP6, Global Rail Construction has also successfully supported Works Delivery in both Wessex and the South East with discrete work banks which have included re-sleepering, S&C refurb works and rerailing.

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Global Infastructure Group
Global Rail Construction
Units 18 & 20
The io Centre
Hearle Way
Hertfordshire, AL10 9EW
+44 (0) 870 990 4074
Registered in England 04272798
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