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Global Rail Construction Ltd is a Principal Contractor and a leading UK provider of design and build services to clients in the rail and transportation sector.


Sunningdale circles

Sunningdale Level Crossing Renewal

CLIENT: Atkins Global
DATE: Nov 2021
LOCATION: Sunningdale, Feltham Resignalling Scheme

Global Rail Construction Limited (GRCL) was awarded a multi-disciplinary contract on behalf of Atkins Global for the Civil and S&T installation works for a new level crossing at Sunningdale, which falls within Feltham Resignalling Phase 2.

The overall Feltham Resignalling Project covers the renewal of all signalling assets. Its area is covered by seven scheme plans, with delivery broken down into six separate Phases that align approximately to the Signalling Scheme Plan boundaries, Feltham ASC Signallers panels and Wokingham Signal Box.

Within the early advanced scope of Phase 2 was Sunningdale MCB-CCTV, which is subject to a full level crossing renewal – due for completion in November 2021. The scope encompasses life extension works with addition of barrier repositioning and narrowing of carriageway.

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Global Infastructure Group
Global Rail Construction
Units 18 & 20
The io Centre
Hearle Way
Hertfordshire, AL10 9EW
+44 (0) 870 990 4074
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